Thursday 27 March 2008

In with the master

GOOD fun today, although I ache. Like Hell.

Couldn't make Thursday training, so I booked an earlier session with Steve, so that I didn't miss out. It all went really well, as far as I was concerned. Yes, there were the usual issues with fitness and stamina (although not as much as usual, which shows there's improvement), but every now and again, flashes of sharpness surfaced.

It could be a jab, either in sparring (did three rounds of it with Steve), or pad work (five), or even on the bags (four rounds), but evry so often, there it is. I don't know where it's coming from - my previous training, I guess - but it is most welcome. I knew, Steve knew, and anyone else that cared to watch could see it coming out.

Other things have changed. I could never skip the way that most boxers do, having only learned it when I started boxing. Today, for no reason at all, I just started doing it the way it should be done. Well pleased. I've also managed to get halfway decent on the speedball and the punchball (I think that's what it called). So there seems to be a co-ordination there that wasn't present before.

All of these things act as positive encouragement, and make me want to go back again, because you just don't know where it will lead. My defence is still absolute rubbish, and the footwork requires concentrated effort. I was still cooking some several hours after I finished, but it's all happy days.

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